The Human Capital Index is an indication of how well a country invests in the lives and potential of its future generations.
The World Bank under its Human Capital Project, HCP, measures and ranks each country’s investment in children’s education and healthcare.
PearlMutual Analytics analyzed the data from the World Bank and outlined some significant parameters that are useful in understanding where countries need to divert time and resources.
Probability of Survival till the Age of 5: The chance that a child born today will live beyond the age of 5.
Fraction of Children Under 5 Not Stunted:The fraction of children not suffering from health challenges that lead to stunted or hindered growth
Expected Years of School: The number of years of formal education a child will by have the age of 18.
Learning Adjusted Years of School: The expected years in school corrected to show the actual amount of knowledge a child would have gained by the age of 18.
Adult Survival Rate: The chance that a child that attains the age of 15 will stay alive till 60 years old.